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The social listening tool that protects your company’s reputation and analyzes the performance of your campaigns in real time

Does that apply to you?

  • Your company knows about the value of your brand and wants to be informed about what and where is currently being discussed about it.
  • You are interested in observing the competition as well, because certain developments on the market can affect the mood
    influence towards your own brand.
  • Recognizing trends early is relevant for your company and its sales success.

Use the software now that monitors all relevant media for you in a data-driven manner using AI and lets your brand grow: Talkwalker!

A strong brand thrives on a good reputation.
Protecting them is an important goal of your communication strategy.

In a world full of conversations, it is extremely time-consuming to manually monitor the media landscape and filter out relevant contributions.

You are not sure how your company is perceived and whether your activities really trigger the desired discussions

Without measuring and reporting on past campaigns, improving your activities will be untargeted and you will be dependent on information from others.

76% of consumers today expect companies to recognize their wants and needs early on.

More variety, more speed, more personalization:
Today’s consumer demands are high.

Posting content regularly and hoping for interaction is not enough. Spot trends before others do! Identify in connection with which topics your company is mentioned and recognize positive drivers. Measure moods online and be the first to react.

The valuable social insights you gain through Talkwalker help you meet the demands of the modern consumer.

Don’t miss anything that is currently moving your customers.

Imagine that:

You would know what your customers think about your brand, products and advertising messages and how you can influence this perception.

You would know how often your target group talks about you and how often your company picks up trends first – compared to the competition.

You would be informed about how your target audience is interacting with your content and which content works best within the target audience.

Automatic analysis reports not only save you time, but could also help you gain even more objectivity in your branding strategy thanks to data-driven insights.

Talkwalker: the software for media monitoring and social insights!

Talkwalker protects companies’ reputations and shows them in real time how their campaigns are performing. The goal: constant optimization without nasty surprises. If you want to be successful on social media channels, you not only have to keep an eye on your own postings and followers, but also have general trends on your radar. With Talkwalker, advertisers always discover current trending stories in real time. With the tool, you can quickly take up the current issues in your industry and use them to position yourself as a market and opinion leader.

How does Talkwalker work?

Talkwalker offers extensive features.
Find out in just a few clicks how people are talking about you on social networks and use these valuable insights for your communication strategy.
Talkwalker’s interface is easy to use and offers numerous customization options.
We would be happy to help you configure the software so that it is optimally adapted to your needs and thus accelerate your company’s success.

Your benefits at a glance

Share of Voices

How often does the target group talk about you compared to the competition?

Social Engagement

How is the target audience interacting with your content? How engaged are your followers?

Perfect timing

When is the ideal time to post content and what content works best?


How do customers think about your brand, products and advertising messages?


How far do your owned and earned stories reach? How many people are reached?


Who are the top industry influencers for distributing your content?

  • AI engine: Global data coverage from owned and earned media in 187 languages
  • Custom dashboards for your campaigns: Paid, Owned, Earned Media
  • AI Engine: Proprietary innovative Blue Silk™ technology
  • Image recognition technology: Market’s largest database of brand logos, product images, objects and backgrounds with over 30,000 predefined models
  • Crawling technology on 1500 servers: coverage of more than 150 million websites globally and 10 social networks
  • CRM and BI integration
  • Real-time monitoring and instant access to two years of historical data
  • Social Media Analytics: Virality Map, intuitive IQ Apps
  • Social Media Reporting & Free Social Search
  • Audience insights and automated alerts

Here's how you can test Talkwalker

Feel free to fill out the contact form and choose whether you would like to request demo access to Talkwalker or would like a presentation appointment with us first.

We will be happy to get in touch with you.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Contact us here!